About Nikki Moods

The Blog. The Person. The Story.

The Blog

Nikki Moods is a Motherhood and Lifestyle blog that covers a broad scope of topics related to parenting & family life; wellness & mental health; home & DIY; relationships; food and drink; personal style; and travel.

Officially founded in early 2021, Nikki Moods is a curation of useful information and resources, coupled with storytelling and insights gathered from personal experiences. From a place of humour and vulnerability, Nikki strives to create content that is relatable, honest, and uplifting.

The Person

Nikki is the founder of the Nikki Moods Lifestyle Blog. When she is not mixing up cocktails with Mom’s on Break, this mom of 3 is writing about family life and motherhood, starting conversations around mental health, and creating light and humourous content through her social media outlets.

The Story

A little more about my background and what I am doing now!

Where I’m from
I grew up in a rural area outside a small town in southern Ontario. As a young person, the charms of small-town living were entirely lost on me. When I was 18 years old I hightailed it straight to Toronto and didn’t look back for over a decade. I loved that city for a long time. Part of me always will.  

Not too long after having our first baby back in 2015, my husband and I decided to relocate back to the area where I grew up, Northumberland County. Our family has since grown, and we now have three kids under 6 years old. We love this area so much! I look forward to sharing some of the great things going on in our community.  

What I do
My educational background and early professional experience are in the field of Child and Youth Care, but I have worked at a local University in Student Development for about 4 years. I am currently finishing off the last stretch of my 18 months of maternity leave. 

Why a Blog?
Writing has always lit me up. I’ve always kept a journal since I was a very young child. So many notebooks with pages filled with ideas, lyrics, illustrations, stories, confessions, and secrets! As social media became more popular over the years, I started to share more about my life, my passions, and my struggles more openly. As it turns out, when you open up to share yourself in a raw, honest way, people relate to you in a surprising and wonderful way. 

Nikki Moods, the blog, is really just a small corner of the internet where I can be creative, learn and try new things, and share about the things that I love and that interest me. To be honest, I am still figuring it out. I started this blog with the intention of working some things out for myself, but I hope that it could eventually be something meaningful to others as well! Thanks for joining me! 

Nikki Moods on Social Media

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